Een troostende soundtrack van het nu (Dutch)

Een troostende soundtrack van het nu (Dutch)

NRC Review Maison Melody

Componist Stephen Emmer is van vele markten thuis. Momenteel voert hij actie om de publieke omroep aan te zetten kunst en cultuur nog inniger te omarmen in coronatijden. Hij verwierf bekendheid in de popmuziek, en als mediacomponist – maker van talloze televisietunes – kreeg hij de Buma Oeuvre Award. Hij kent beide kanten van het scheppingsproces: de inspiratie en het ambacht. „Dichters wachten op maanlicht en copywriters drukken op start.”


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Found In Translation with Stephen Emmer

Found In Translation with Stephen Emmer

Evenings with David Astle on ABC Radio Melbourne

Stephen Emmer is a composer and artist from Amsterdam, Holland. He joins David Astle for Found in Translation to share the Dutch phrase "Een kind kan de was doen"

Found in Translation is a weekly Evening program segment that delves into words and phrases from langauges around the world.

Aired on 29 July 2020 (07:00 pm)

Listen to the interview with Stephen here.



Stephen Emmer interview

Stephen Emmer is an established pianist, widely known among music critics and fellow artists for his creation of  brilliant ‘concept’ albums. He is has just released a brand new album, Maison Melody, for free, in support of those who are financially struggling and have lost their incomes during lockdown. We caught up with him to find out more about the new album, his work and inspiration.

JI: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and where you come from?

SE: Hello, I am Stephen Emmer. I am a composer/artist from Amsterdam, the Netherlands. I have a passion for music (where my hobby became my work, but it’s still my hobby too!)

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From 70's post-punk to working with Yoko Ono

From 70's post-punk to working with Yoko Ono

The Shortlisted interview with composer Stephen Emmer

Internationally acclaimed in the late 1970s as a leading figure of the Dutch post-punk movement with the band Minny Pops who was signed with a UK-based label, Dutch composer and musician Stephen Emmer is well-known amongst music critics today for his innovative “concept” records.

From the spoken word album Recitement, out in 2007, which features tracks from Lou Reed, Yoko Ono and Richard Burton, to his 2014 album International Blue that includes collaborations with Midge Ure, Julian Lennon, Glenn Gregory and Liam McKahey, to his more recent soul album Home Ground: in a career that spans over 40 years, Stephen Emmer has developed a rare talent when it comes to introducing very ingenious and always different musical projects that promptly attract the support of fellow artists: one of David Bowie’s longest time collaborators, American producer Tony Visconti, has worked with Stephen on most of his records.

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Critically acclaimed musician Stephen Emmer releases Maison Melody

Critically acclaimed musician Stephen Emmer releases Maison Melody

Blasting News Interview

Stephen Emmer is an established musician, widely known amongst music critics & fellow artists for his creation of brilliant ‘concept” albums from a spoken word album, to the critically acclaimed 'International Blue' album to his more recent album 'Home Ground' for a soul album. Now in lockdown, Stephen's latest concept theme is Neo Classical. No vocalists this time around and no production from Visconti. Recorded alone as an instrumental, via the medium of music in its classical form, Stephen has explored Isolation, family, solitude & the company of his piano and strings. Here he chat's to us about the inspiration behind his latest album.

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The interview of the famous composer and record producer

The interview of the famous composer and record producer

Bulletin Mail

“Younger readers or potential younger readers are unlikely to remember the beginnings of social media,” said Stephen Emmer. “There was MySpace at the time. With MySpace, artists were able to create their demos. So I put together a few things that I worked on, I didn’t think anything of it and I got a call six months later. The man says, “I’m Joe D’Ambrosio.” He sounded like he was something out of the sopranos, it was that Italian voice. He said he had a customer who was interested in my work and I might have heard of him. The customer was Tony Visconti”.

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Liam Anthony talks to musician Stephen Emmer

Liam Anthony talks to musician Stephen Emmer

Essentially Pop

To look at Stephen Emmer’s repertoire as a musician is both inspiring and intimidating as an interviewer. Having collaborated with many musical and artistic legends including, Midge Ure, Yoko Ono, Lou Reed and Chaka Khan, his musical resume is a collage of true visionaries.

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Meet The Artist - Q&A

Meet The Artist - Q&A

Stephen Emmer, composer

Q: Who or what inspired you to take up composing, and pursue a career in music?

SE: I improvised on the baby grand in my mothers ballet studio and didn’t realise what I was playing until my mother said that was Beethoven… this triggered my appetite to try and become ‘something in music’ at the age of 12!

Q: Who or what were the most significant influences on your musical life and career as a composer?

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Maison Melody Review

Maison Melody Review

On In London

“In these historical and difficult times in the year 2020 this is music meant to sooth the pain of social distancing for the isolated listener, made by a composer in self quarantaine”. We couldn’t agree more with Stephen Emmer’s analysis of his newest album Maison Melody, released for free on 15th May 2020.

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Stephen Emmer has released his new album ‘Maison Melody’ for free

Stephen Emmer has released his new album ‘Maison Melody’ for free

This Is Not Retro

Stephen Emmer (Minny Pops, The Lotus Eaters, The Associates etc) has written, recorded and released a brand new album whilst in lockdown. ‘Maison Melody’ – which “explores the idea of isolation, family and solitude” – is available for free, as a gift intended to “provide people with music in these uncertain times and to support those who are financially struggling as a consequence of the impacts of the pandemic.”

Listen to Maison Melody here.

Exploring isolation and the company of his piano

Exploring isolation and the company of his piano

Express & Star

You may not yet be familiar with Stephen Emmer. He’s a classic backroom boy, an established musician who is widely known amongst music critics and fellow artists but less well-known among others. Emmer’s stock-in-trade is brilliant ‘concept’ albums, from a spoken word album with Alan Ginsberg, Lou Reed, Richard Burton and Yoko Ono, to the critically acclaimed ‘International Blue’ album with Midge Ure, Glen Gregory, Julian Lennon and Liam McKahey from Cousteau.

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Far Out Meets...

Far Out Meets...

Famed composer and record producer Stephen Emmer

“Younger readers, or potential younger readers, probably won’t remember the beginnings of social media,” Stephen Emmer says. “At the time, there was MySpace. MySpace allowed artists to put up their demos. So, I put up some stuff I was working on, I thought nothing of it, and six months later I got a phone call. The man says,’I’m Joe D’Ambrosio’. He sounded like he was something out of The Sopranos, it was this Italian type voice. He said he had a client who was interested in my work, and I might have heard of him. The client was Tony Visconti”.

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Support in uncertain times

Support in uncertain times

Stephen Emmer's 'Maison Melody' released on line

The composer and music producer Stephen Emmer has today, 15 May 2020, released a new album Maison Melody. The album was written and recorded solely by Emmer whilst in lockdown and explores the idea of isolation, family and solitude.

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De prachtige melodieën van een huismus (Dutch)

De prachtige melodieën van een huismus (Dutch)

Soundz interview door Leo Blokhuis

Stephen Emmer is waarschijnlijk de meest beluisterde componist van het land. Ongeveer elke 7 minuten is zijn muziek wel ergens op de televisie in Nederland te horen. In maart 2020 won hij de Buma Oeuvre Award. Soundz sprak hem over zijn. Nieuwe album ‘Maison Melody’.

Je hebt zijn muziek vrijwel zeker gehoord. Hij maakte tunes voor het NOS Journaal, RTL Nieuws, RTL Boulevard, RTL Late Night én Editie NL. En vijfhonderd meer.

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Candy Dulfer & Stephen Emmer (Dutch)

Candy Dulfer & Stephen Emmer (Dutch)

OOR - De Ontmoeting #5

Candy Dulfer is twee minuten te laat. Een zeldzaamheid, volgens de filmmaakster die haar het hele jaar volgt. Maar ook als een van de bekendste saxofonisten van de wereld kan je soms je auto niet kwijt in Amsterdam-Noord. En zal je, net nu het flink regent, een stuk moeten lopen. Stephen Emmer vindt het niet erg. Als vaakst gehoorde muzikant van Nederland (ooit Ultra-band Minny Pops, nu de man achter honderden tv-tunes, waaronder die van het NOS Journaal en RTL Nieuws) stelde hij deze ontmoeting voor.

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Maison Melody Review Trouw (Dutch)

Maison Melody Review Trouw (Dutch)


Stephen Emmer maakte talloze tunes voor radio en tv, waaronder die van het ’NOS Journaal’ en ‘RTL Boulevard’. Op dit album zijn de sferen groter dan de melodieën. Met warm pianospel, flink voller dan het minimalistische gefluister dat momenteel in is, verklankt hij het fenomeen zelfisolatie dat hij als componist zo goed kent. Bij vlagen verontrustend, maar vaker uitermate rustgevend.

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Maison Melody Review (Dutch)

Maison Melody Review (Dutch)

Written In Music

Wat komt er na Home Ground? Met dat album onderstreepte Stephen Emmer immers zijn compositorische kwaliteiten, gaf hij ruimte aan de zangers en zangeressen waarmee hij werkte en met dat album gaf hij bezieling aan een mooi album over universele liefde. Met Maison Melody laat Stephen Emmer weer een heel andere kant van zijn muzikale karakter horen. Heel fijn, die variatie.

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De Nieuws BV interview op NPO Radio 1 (Dutch)

Patrick Lodiers interview met Stephen Emmer

Klik op onderstaande link of de afbeelding om het inteview te bekijken en beluisteren.

Patrick Lodiers i'view met Stephen Emmer in De Nieuws BV (NPO Radio1)
Stephen Emmer verrast met neo-klassieke ‘Maison Melody’ (Dutch)

Stephen Emmer verrast met neo-klassieke ‘Maison Melody’ (Dutch)

Telegraaf interview met Stephen Emmer

Maison Melody heet het album, als een eerbetoon aan zijn huis, of preciezer zijn werkkamer, waar hij schrijft en componeert. Dit geheel in vrijwillige afzondering, aldus Emmer (62), zoon van de in december overleden oud-Journaal-presentator Fred Emmer.

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Stephen Emmer lanceert neoklassiek album Maison Melody (Dutch)

Stephen Emmer lanceert neoklassiek album Maison Melody (Dutch)

Entertainment Business

Stephen Emmer bracht vrijdag 15 mei zijn nieuwe album Maison Melody uit, een neoklassiek album waarop de mediacomponist zichzelf naar eigen zeggen volledig blootgeeft. “Dit is kwetsbare muziek, waarin ik heb geprobeerd te verklanken wat mijn karakter is. Tegelijkertijd is het een document van deze tijd geworden.”

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MM II en MM VIII airplay (Dutch)

MM II en MM VIII airplay (Dutch)

Jet Berkhout - De Muziekfabriek - AVROTROS - NPO Radio 4

MM II en MM VIII airplay door Jet Berkhout op Zaterdag 16 Mei 2020 in De Muziekfabriek, een toegankelijk, opgewekt en ontspannen lunchprogramma. Met inspirerende berichten, jong klassiek talent in de rubriek "Vrij Spel" en vooral: veel mooie en verrassende muziek, van stokoud tot gloednieuw.

Luister hier naar het fragment.

Luister hier naar Maison Melody op je favoriete muziek platform.

Henk Jan Smits interview met Stephen Emmer (Dutch)

Henk Jan Smits interview met Stephen Emmer (Dutch)

De Max! NPO Radio 5

Henk Jan Smits interview met Stephen Emmer op Woensdag 13 Mei 2020 in De MAX!, een programma met ‘De M van muziek'. Manuëla Kemp en Henkjan Smits draaien muziek uit de afgelopen acht decennia, met de nadruk op de jaren 60 en 70. Ze vertellen daarbij iedere dag verhalen achter de gedraaide muziek.

Luister hier naar het interview (Start op 00:20:27)

Luister of Download (gratis) hier naar Maison Melody op je favoriete muziek platform.

Simone Walraven interview met Stephen Emmer (Dutch)

Simone Walraven interview met Stephen Emmer (Dutch)

Simone’s Songlines - NPO Radio 2

Simone Walraven interview met Stephen Emmer op Zaterdag 9 Mei 2020 in Simone’s Songlines, 
een programma waarin Simone de wereld afreist op zoek naar inspirerende verhalen en bijzondere muziek.

Luister hier naar het interview (Start op 01:09:32)

Luister of Download (gratis) hier naar Maison Melody op je favoriete muziek platform.

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